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Cumulative Impact Factor



Securing WEPs for Planetary Healthy Diet.jpg


  1. Bundela AK, Abhilash PC, & Peñuelas, J (2023) Securing Wild Edible Plants for Planetary Healthy Diet. Anthropocene Science. IF: New Launch.

  2. Jarar H, El-Keblawy A, Ghenai C, Abhilash PC, Bundela AK, Abideen Z, Sheteiwy M (2023) Seed Enhancement Technologies for Sustainable Dryland Restoration: Coating and Scarification IF- 9.8.

  3. Singh A$, Bundela AK$, Abhilash PC (2023) Nutritional, Ethnomedicinal, and Agricultural Significance of Neglected and Underutilized Crops from Eastern UP, North India. Agronomy IF- 3.7. ($: equal author contribution)

  4. Priyadarshini P, & Bundela AK (2023) Advocating Sustainable Use of Wild Species for Enhancing Food Security, Ecosystem Conservation and Planetary Resilience. Anthropocene Science. IF: New Launch.

  5. Edrisi SA, Bundela AK, Verma V, Dubey PK, & Abhilash PC (2022) Assessing the impact of global initiatives on current and future land restoration scenarios in India. Environmental Research. IF: 8.3.

  6. Dubey PK, Chaurasia R, Pandey KK, Bundela AK, Singh A, Singh GS, Mall RK & Abhilash PC (2022) Double Transplantation as a Climate Resilient and Sustainable Resource Management Strategy for Rice Production in North India. Journal of Environmental Management. IF: 8.7.

  7. Bundela AK*, & Pandey KK (2022) The United Nations General Assembly Passes Historic Resolution to Beat Plastic Pollution. Anthropocene Science. IF: New Launch.

  8. Priyadarshini P, Bundela AK, Gasparatos A, Stringer LC, Dhyani S, Dasgupta R, Reddy CS, Baral H, Muradin R, Karki M, Abhilash PC & Peñuelas, J (2022) Advancing Global Biodiversity Governance: Recommendations for Strengthening the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Anthropocene Science, 195-203. IF: New Launch.

  9. Priyadarshini P, Bundela AK, & Pandey KK (2022) Transition Pathways for Attaining Sustainability in Indian Agriculture by 2030. Anthropocene Science,332–336. IF: New Launch.

  10. Dubey PK, Singh A, Chaurasia R, Pandey KK, Bundela AK, Singh GS, Abhilash PC (2022) Animal manures and plant residue-based amendments for rice-wheat cropping and soil fertility improvement in eastern Uttar Pradesh, North India. Ecological Engineering. 177:106551. IF: 3.8.

  11. Bundela AK*, & Singh, A. (2021). Tapping the untapped potential of agrobiodiversity for food and nutritional security. Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, 9(2), 243-249. NAAS Score - 5.28.

  12. Dubey PK, Singh A, Chaurasia R, Pandey KK, Bundela AK, Dubey RK, Abhilash PC (2021) Planet friendly agriculture: Farming for people and the planet. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability. IF: 4.4.

  13. Singh A, Dubey RK, Bundela AK, Abhilash P C (2020) The Trilogy of Wild Crops, Traditional Agronomic Practices, and UN-Sustainable Development Goals. Agronomy. IF- 3.7.

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