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I'm currently pursuing my PhD in Environmental Science at the Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development (IESD), Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. I have qualified the UGC-National Eligibility Test for Assistant Professorship and Research Fellowship in Environmental Sciences (UGC-NET-JRF) conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the UGC and receiving Scholarship to pursue my PhD research. I have completed my Masters in Environmental Science (Environmental Technology) with Distinction and Higher Grade (CGPA: 9.0) from IESD, BHU. I did my MSc dissertation thesis on the topic “Inventorization & Consumption Pattern of Neglected and Underutilized Crops in Eastern Uttar Pradesh and their Sustainable Management Strategies”. My current research interests aimed to explore nutritionally and agriculturally relevant wild and lesser utilised crop species for planetary healthy diet and validating cultivation practices for promising wild and lesser utilized species for dietary diversification and local/regional food security.

Broad Research Domain 

  • Agrobiodiversity (Wild and lesser utilised plant species )

  • Food and Nutritional Security

  • Emerging & sustainable cropping pattern

  • Traditional & Local Knowledge  

  • Emerging Pollutants in agroecosystem 

My current interest includes agrobiodiversity assessment & its conservation, adaptive and climate-resilient agricultural practices, traditional and biocultural knowledge, regional interventions for ensuring food and nutritional security for attaining the UN-SDGs and assessing emerging pollutants in the agro-ecological system.

My current research work directly aligns with these UN-SDGs 

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